Der Europäische Datenschutzausschuss (EDSA, die ehemalige Artikel-29-Datenschutzgruppe) hat Ende September 2018 Leitlinien zur extraterritorialen Anwendung der DSGVO verabschiedet, anschliessend aber nicht veröffentlicht. Das Papier war danach für die 4. Plenarsitzung am 16. November erneut traktandiert worden. Der EDSA hat nun, am 20. November 2018, verlauten lassen, das Papier sei bereinigt und werde demnächst veröffentlicht:
During the September plenary, the EDPB adopted new draft guidelines, which will help provide a common interpretation of the territorial scope of the GDPR and provide further clarification on the application of the GDPR in various situations, in particular where the data controller or processor is established outside of the EU, including on the designation of a representative. As the standard final legal checks prior to publication revealed that some items required further discussion, the EDPB decided to discuss the guidelines once more during the November plenary. These issues have now been fully addressed and the guidelines shall be soon published for public consultation.