War­ning let­ters for vio­la­ti­ons of the GDPR

Accor­ding to a com­ment by the Sta­te Data Pro­tec­tion Com­mis­sio­ner of Baden-Würt­tem­berg on Twit­ter the­re have been around 1500 war­ning let­ters in Ger­ma­ny sin­ce Febru­ary 2019 due to alle­ged vio­la­ti­ons of the GDPR:

@Martin_Raetze Aha.

The­re have been over 1,500 war­ning let­ters sin­ce Febru­ary 2019. Don’t you know that?

In BaWü, doc­tors and their web­sites were par­ti­cu­lar­ly affected.

That is far more than pre­vious­ly assu­med. In Baden-Würt­tem­berg, doc­tors and web­sites were appar­ent­ly most affected.

The legal admis­si­bi­li­ty of war­nings for alle­ged vio­la­ti­ons of the GDPR remains in place unsett­led. In Ger­ma­ny, the­r­e­fo­re Efforts under­way, to rest­rict abu­si­ve war­nings by law.




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