Rela­ted articles

Takea­ways (AI):
  • Apple has Pri­va­cy labels für Apps im App Store ein­ge­führt, um die Daten­er­fas­sung trans­pa­ren­ter zu gestalten.
  • App-Ent­wick­ler müs­sen nun ange­ben, wel­che Data beim Down­load gesam­melt wer­den, anstatt nur einen Daten­schutz­hin­weis zu verlinken.
  • The Labels sind in Kate­go­rien wie “fürs Track­ing ver­wen­de­te Daten” und “mit dir ver­knüpf­te Daten” unterteilt.
  • Per­so­nen­da­ten für Gesund­heits­for­schung müs­sen nicht ange­ge­ben wer­den, was einen gewis­sen Frei­heits­grad für Ent­wick­ler bietet.
  • Apple führt eine Review aller Apps durch, die im App Store hoch­ge­la­den wer­den, um Min­dest­an­for­de­run­gen zu gewährleisten.

Apple has man­da­to­ry Pri­va­cy labels for apps offe­red via the App Store. Until now, app deve­lo­pers only had to link a data pro­tec­tion noti­ce. The labels should enable users to see at a glan­ce what data an app coll­ects about them befo­re they down­load it. Howe­ver, per­so­nal data coll­ec­ted for health rese­arch pur­po­ses, for exam­p­le, does not have to be disclosed.

For a bet­ter over­view, the labels are divi­ded into the fol­lo­wing categories:

  • data used for tracking”
  • data asso­cia­ted with you”
  • Data that is not lin­ked to you”.

Inci­den­tal­ly, Apple impo­ses various requi­re­ments on the terms and con­di­ti­ons of iOS apps that are to be posted in Apple’s App Store. Mini­mum requi­re­ments. Apple con­ducts a review of all apps uploa­ded through the App Store. Through the pro­cess, deve­lo­pers can here get an overview.

AI-gene­ra­ted takea­ways can be wrong.