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  • Deve­lo­p­ment of the “Swiss Govern­ment Cloud”: Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on com­mit­ment credit 

Deve­lo­p­ment of the “Swiss Govern­ment Cloud”: Con­fe­de­ra­ti­on com­mit­ment credit

On May 22, 2024, the Fede­ral Coun­cil adopted the dis­patch on a com­mit­ment cre­dit of CHF 246.9 million:

The Fede­ral Coun­cil wants to set up a new hybrid cloud infras­truc­tu­re, the Swiss Govern­ment Cloud (“SGC”), “tail­o­red to the future requi­re­ments and needs of the Fede­ral Admi­ni­stra­ti­on”. It is inten­ded to pro­vi­de the infras­truc­tu­re for the Confederation’s digi­ta­lizati­on pro­jects, accor­ding to the Fede­ral govern­ment cloud stra­tegy for 2020.

The SGC is to be loca­ted at the FOITT and imple­men­ted in 2025 – 2032. The FOITT curr­ent­ly uses the “Atlan­ti­ca system land­scape”, which as a cloud basis is tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly out­da­ted and expen­si­ve to sca­le – the Fede­ral Coun­cil hopes to begin the migra­ti­on of spe­cia­list appli­ca­ti­ons in 2027 and com­ple­te it by the end of 2030. When using the SGC, the respec­ti­ve bodies must check on a case-by-case basis whe­ther the data pro­tec­tion requi­re­ments in par­ti­cu­lar are met.

Inte­re­st­ing not only here, but for cloud pro­jects in gene­ral, is the com­pa­ra­tively low share of the actu­al system set­up (37.6%) in the total costs and the high share of secu­ri­ty costs (13.3%, around 42 million):