On May 22, 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on a commitment credit of CHF 246.9 million:
The Federal Council wants to set up a new hybrid cloud infrastructure, the Swiss Government Cloud (“SGC”), “tailored to the future requirements and needs of the Federal Administration”. It is intended to provide the infrastructure for the Confederation’s digitalization projects, according to the Federal government cloud strategy for 2020.
The SGC is to be located at the FOITT and implemented in 2025 – 2032. The FOITT currently uses the “Atlantica system landscape”, which as a cloud basis is technologically outdated and expensive to scale – the Federal Council hopes to begin the migration of specialist applications in 2027 and complete it by the end of 2030. When using the SGC, the respective bodies must check on a case-by-case basis whether the data protection requirements in particular are met.
Interesting not only here, but for cloud projects in general, is the comparatively low share of the actual system setup (37.6%) in the total costs and the high share of security costs (13.3%, around 42 million):