FOPH: New cir­cular 7.1, in force sin­ce 1.1.2022: sub­ject mat­ter; strict pur­po­se limi­ta­ti­on; faci­li­ta­ti­on of dis­clo­sure based on consent

The Swiss Fede­ral Office of Public Health (SFOPH) has Cir­cular 7.1 – Super­vi­si­on by the FOPH of are­as rele­vant to data pro­tec­tion in accordance with the KVAG, KVAV, KVG and KVV reis­sued. The cur­rent ver­si­on of the KS addres­sed to health insu­r­ers has been in effect sin­ce Jan. 1, 2022, and replaces the old ver­si­on dated Dec. 17, 2015. The old ver­si­on can be found at here, a del­ta view here.

Direc­tion of thrust

The new ver­si­on only wants to health insu­rance Data pro­tec­tion stan­dards more con­cre­te­ly. Other data pro­tec­tion requi­re­ments are the­r­e­fo­re no lon­ger addres­sed, unli­ke in the pre­vious ver­si­on. This con­cerns, for exam­p­le, requi­re­ments for pro­ce­s­sing regu­la­ti­ons, but also out­sour­cing. Howe­ver, the FOPH sta­tes that this does not imply any Loo­sening asso­cia­ted. In the area of gene­ral data pro­tec­tion, the FOPH con­ti­nues to expect con­duct in com­pli­ance with the law and, as part of cor­po­ra­te gover­nan­ce, appro­pria­te Com­pli­ance manage­ment system and an effec­ti­ve ICSwhich helps to pre­vent or detect vio­la­ti­ons of the law in the area of data pro­tec­tion at an ear­ly stage and ensu­res appro­pria­te risk management.

This is also the focus of the FOPH. Risk manage­ment must be appro­pria­te­ly At least the fol­lo­wing risks capture

  • Misu­se of per­so­nal data
  • IT assign­ment roles and access aut­ho­rizati­ons that do not com­ply with data pro­tec­tion requirements
  • Non-qua­li­fi­ed data pro­tec­tion officer
  • Orga­nizati­on of the trust medi­cal ser­vice not in com­pli­ance with the law
  • Absence of pro­ce­s­sing regulations
  • Miss­ing or wrong pro­ce­s­ses of the DRG inspec­tion body, loss of the certificate
  • Insuf­fi­ci­ent safe­ty spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons in the digi­tizati­on process
  • Fail­ure to com­ply with legal report­ing requirements
  • Lack of moni­to­ring of out­sour­cing part­ners who pro­cess (par­ti­cu­lar­ly sen­si­ti­ve) per­so­nal data.

Here, the BAG reviews the Docu­men­ta­ti­on of risk manage­ment and the ICSHowe­ver, the FDPIC is respon­si­ble for over­see­ing com­pli­ance with the con­tent of data protection. 

Adjust­ments and innovations

Bes­i­des the Dele­ti­ons the cur­rent KS also con­ta­ins new and adapt­ed sec­tions. New is the short sec­tion on Super­vi­si­on of the BAG and on the deli­mi­ta­ti­on of com­pe­ten­ces vis-à-vis the FDPIC (and on coor­di­na­ti­on bet­ween the two).

Also new is a sepa­ra­te Sec­tion on data pro­ce­s­sing pur­su­ant to Art. 84 KVG and on the dis­clo­sure of per­so­nal data pur­su­ant to Art. 84a KVG:

The FOPH first recalls the role of the DPA as frame­work legis­la­ti­on, which applies inso­far as it is not over­ridden by the spe­cial norms of health insu­rance law. It also empha­si­zes the importance of the prin­ci­ples of lega­li­ty, pur­po­se limi­ta­ti­on and recognizability:

… per­so­nal data may also be used only for the per­for­mance of tasks spe­ci­fi­ed in the same pur­po­se frame as tho­se tasks for the ful­fill­ment of which they were coll­ec­ted. The pur­po­se of the data pro­ce­s­sing must be reco­gnizable to the data sub­ject. Based on the­se prin­ci­ples, the FOPH calls upon insu­r­ers, Strict­ly com­ply with the prin­ci­ples of pro­por­tio­na­li­ty and ear­mar­king and to pro­cess per­so­nal data only within the scope of a task assi­gned to them by the KVG or the KVAG and not for other purposes.”

From this, the BAG deri­ves the following:

For exam­p­le, the pro­ce­s­sing of health data and per­so­na­li­ty pro­files of insu­red per­sons for the iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of spe­cial Tar­get groups for a let­ter of recom­men­da­ti­on for health-pro­mo­ting mea­su­res or for medi­ca­ti­ons is not com­pa­ti­ble with the afo­re­men­tio­ned legal foun­da­ti­ons. A tar­ge­ted health- or dise­a­se-spe­ci­fic recom­men­da­ti­on to sel­ec­ted insu­red per­sons is not cover­ed by Art. 84 KVGbecau­se it is not an imple­men­ta­ti­on task of the insurer assi­gned under the KVG or KVAG.

In the mat­ter, the BAG thus pro­hi­bits a Pro­fil­ing in the area of OKP, inso­far as this ser­ves recom­men­da­ti­ons, alre­a­dy under the cur­rent law and thus befo­re the ent­ry into force of the revDSG, which requi­res an (expli­cit) basis in a for­mal law for pro­fil­ing by fede­ral bodies. The fol­lo­wing sub­se­quent state­ment by the FOPH also goes in this direc­tion – in con­nec­tion with the pro­hi­bi­ti­on of dis­clo­sure in Art. 84a KVG:

Equal­ly incom­pa­ti­ble with the prin­ci­ple of ear­mar­king is a Cate­go­rizati­on or a scoring of the insu­red on the basis of an eva­lua­ti­on of their indi­vi­du­al KVG-data (e.g., pre­mi­um and bene­fit data), so that insu­red per­sons can be tar­ge­ted for Mar­ke­ting mea­su­res, espe­ci­al­ly in the VVG area or for offers from part­ner com­pa­nies of the insurer, can be contacted.

Also for the Pro­hi­bi­ti­on of dis­clo­sure of Art. 84a KVG (in con­junc­tion with Art. 33 ATSG and in con­junc­tion with Art. 54 Para. 1 lit. d KVAG), state­ments by the FOPH can be found:

  • Data exch­an­ge with the coor­di­na­ting enti­ty (tele­me­di­ci­ne cen­ter, pri­ma­ry care pro­vi­der) is per­mit­ted as part of a spe­cial form of insu­rance (Art. 41 Para. 4 and Art. 62 KVG; AVM), inso­far as it is neces­sa­ry for enforce­ment and inso­far as the insu­red per­son is infor­med pri­or to the con­clu­si­on of the AVM which type of per­so­nal data will be dis­c­lo­sed to which reci­pi­en­ts and for what purpose.
  • With a Dis­clo­sure in accordance with Art. 84a Para. 5 lit. b KVG (con­sent) The BAG – fol­lo­wing the Hels­a­na ruling of the BVGerbut cor­rec­ting – sta­tes that 
    • a con­sent to the “Indi­vi­du­al case“This would app­ly if the dis­clo­sure is made “for a sin­gle pur­po­se”, which may also cover seve­ral dis­clo­sures, as long as the sub­ject of the con­sent is “suf­fi­ci­ent­ly spe­ci­fic and clear”, i.e. as long as “the cir­cum­stances under which the dis­clo­sure may take place” are “cle­ar­ly estab­lished” for the data sub­ject. On the other hand, a “regu­lar and syste­ma­tic dis­clo­sure of data in auto­ma­ted pro­ce­du­res (e.g. in the form of lists)” would be excluded;
    • That the “Wri­ting” the con­sent not requi­res a hand­writ­ten signa­tu­re (!), but “must at least be given in a form that allo­ws pro­of by text”. This only requi­res that the decla­ra­ti­on of con­sent must be arri­ves at the reci­pi­ent “in a visual­ly per­cep­ti­ble, phy­si­cal­ly repro­du­ci­b­le form”.. This can also be imple­men­ted “in the con­text of online regi­stra­ti­on or orde­ring pro­ce­s­ses”. Here, it will be requi­red that not only the fact of con­sent (e.g., sel­ec­ting a check­box or but­ton) is phy­si­cal­ly repro­du­ci­b­le, but also the iden­ti­ty of the per­son giving con­sent and the date and time of consent.

Adjust­ments can also be found

  • in the sec­tion on the Con­fi­den­ti­al medi­cal ser­vice (VAD). The­re is hard­ly anything new to be found here, but the FOPH is reco­gniz­ab­ly try­ing to remind peo­p­le with some empha­sis that the requi­re­ments must be met;
  • in the sec­tion on Sub­stan­tia­ti­on in invoi­cing;
  • in the sec­tion on Health sta­tus que­sti­on­n­aire.


Accor­din­gly, the new ver­si­on con­ta­ins Dele­ti­ons of exe­cu­ti­onswhich the BAG assigns to gene­ral data pro­tec­tion and not to data pro­tec­tion under health insu­rance law. This applies, for example:

  • the expl­ana­ti­ons on the Editing regu­la­ti­ons (Art. 21 VDSG; in the new law Art. 12 revFD­PA – Pro­ce­s­sing direc­to­ries and Art. 5 draft FDPO, pro­ce­s­sing regu­la­ti­ons of fede­ral bodies);
  • the sec­tion on the wai­ver of the Regi­stra­ti­on of the data coll­ec­tions and to report a per­son respon­si­ble for data pro­tec­tion (Art. 11a para. 5 FADP and Art. 12a FADP; in the new law, the noti­fi­ca­ti­on of data coll­ec­tions is omit­ted, but under Art. 12 revDSG fede­ral bodies must pro­vi­de the FDPIC with the pro­ce­s­sing direc­to­ries and under the e‑FADP also with their pro­ce­s­sing regu­la­ti­ons upon request, and Art. 27 et seq. E‑VDSG requi­re the appoint­ment of a data pro­tec­tion advi­sor by fede­ral bodies, who must also be noti­fi­ed to the FDPIC);
  • the sec­tion on the Out­sour­cing (Art. 6 KVAG; 84 para. 1 KVG; Art. 10a DSG [inso­far as the out­sour­cing is to a com­mis­sio­ned pro­ces­sor, which is not man­da­to­ry, it can also be to an auxi­lia­ry per­son who is a con­trol­ler]; under the new law for com­mis­sio­ned pro­ces­sors Art. 9 and Art. 61 lit. b revDSG and Art. 6 f. E‑VDSG).




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