BGE 98 IV 209: StGB 273; importance of sta­te interests

Art. 273 SCC, Eco­no­mic Intelligence.
1. the con­cept of a trade or manu­fac­tu­ring secret (Rec. 1a).
2. eco­no­mic intel­li­gence ser­vices for a for­eign addres­see to the detri­ment of a com­pa­ny domic­i­led in Switz­er­land con­sti­tu­te an indi­rect vio­la­ti­on of or thre­at to Swiss inte­rests as a who­le (cf. 1 b).
3. eco­no­mic intel­li­gence con­sti­tu­tes an abstract end­an­ger­ment offen­se (cf. 1c).

Moreo­ver, the wor­ding of Art. 273 SCC seems unam­bi­guous: it does not requi­re a direct vio­la­ti­on or end­an­ger­ment of sta­te inte­rests. For any eco­no­mic intel­li­gence ser­vice to the detri­ment of a com­pa­ny domic­i­led in Switz­er­land for the bene­fit of a for­eign coun­try neces­s­a­ri­ly invol­ves an indi­rect vio­la­ti­on of or thre­at to the inte­rests of the sta­te, which is suf­fi­ci­ent to satis­fy the ele­ments of the crime under Artic­le 273 SCC. In the pre­sent case, howe­ver, the misun­derstan­ding of this con­cept did not influence the lower court’s decision.

Source: BGE 98 IV 209




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