BR: Pro­ce­du­re for the new address ser­vice law

The BR has published the results of the Con­sul­ta­ti­on on the Address Ser­vices Act (which had ended on Novem­ber 22, 2019) noted (cf. the Results report from Decem­ber 11, 2020) and deci­ded to use the Preli­mi­na­ry draft (in addi­ti­on the Expl­ana­to­ry report) to be adju­sted sel­ec­tively and fur­ther cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­ons to be made.

The expl­ana­to­ry report para­phra­ses the goal of the ADG as follows:

A Natio­nal Address Ser­vice (NAD) for aut­ho­ri­ties and third par­ties allo­ws them to search and match addres­ses of per­sons regi­stered in Switz­er­land throug­hout Switzerland.

For any aut­ho­ri­ty that needs this infor­ma­ti­on to ful­fill its mis­si­on, the new ser­vice offers clear added value. The aim is to enable admi­ni­stra­ti­ons and third par­ties to per­form their tasks more easi­ly and more quick­ly, resul­ting in effi­ci­en­cy gains. The aim is also to impro­ve the qua­li­ty of address data alre­a­dy main­tai­ned in exi­sting public sec­tor systems. Indi­vi­du­al spe­cia­list tasks can thus be per­for­med in a qua­li­ta­tively bet­ter way. In the case of writ­ten cont­acts, cost savings can be achie­ved by redu­cing the num­ber of returns.


The NAD is being desi­gned as a basic ser­vice that will Exi­sting address infor­ma­ti­on cen­tral­ly acce­s­si­ble for fur­ther use by aut­ho­ri­ties (see also chap­ter 2.1). It is plan­ned to build up the NAD on the basis of exi­sting pro­ce­s­ses for data deli­very and cle­an­sing to the fede­ral government. […]




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