Data Act: appr­oval also from the Council

Accor­ding to the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment (see here), the Euro­pean Coun­cil has now also Data Act accept­ed (Media release).

The Data Act will be published in the Offi­ci­al Jour­nal of the EU in the coming weeks. It will enter into force on the twen­tieth day fol­lo­wing this publi­ca­ti­on and will then app­ly in prin­ci­ple for 20 months after its ent­ry into force.

Among other things, the Data Act con­ta­ins a prin­ci­ple of “mate­ri­al data access by design”: Manu­fac­tu­r­ers of net­work­ed devices and pro­vi­ders of inte­gral­ly con­nec­ted ser­vices must each design them in such a way that users have access to usa­ge data, com­bi­ned with pre-con­trac­tu­al infor­ma­ti­on obli­ga­ti­ons. It also con­ta­ins a right of the user to data por­ta­bi­li­ty of usa­ge data. Other pro­vi­si­ons rela­te to clau­se con­trol in favor of SMEs, access rights of public aut­ho­ri­ties to cer­tain data held by pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als and swit­ching bet­ween cloud ser­vice pro­vi­ders (“cloud swit­ching”). A more detail­ed over­view of the extra­ter­ri­to­ri­al scope of appli­ca­ti­on can be found at here.




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