Tages-Anzei­ger: Every tenth doc­tor vio­la­tes the duty of confidentiality

Tages-Anzei­ger: Every tenth doc­tor vio­la­tes the duty of confidentiality

Accor­ding to Zurich data pro­tec­tion com­mis­sio­ner Bru­no Bae­ris­wyl, doc­tors who store data unen­crypt­ed on ser­vers are vio­la­ting the Data Pro­tec­tion Act. He says, “If they also trans­mit them unen­crypt­ed, then, depen­ding on the case, they even make them­sel­ves lia­ble to pro­se­cu­ti­on.” The Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Com­mis­sio­ner agrees with Bae­ris­wyl. Artic­le 321 of the Cri­mi­nal Code sta­tes: Anyo­ne who dis­c­lo­ses a “secret that has been ent­ru­sted to him as a result of his pro­fes­si­on (…) shall, upon request, be punis­hed by impri­son­ment for up to three years or a fine.”




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