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Wir haben die wichtigsten Gesetze prepared online. Von einigen finden Sie hier PDF-Versionen zum Herunterladen:
Zur Umsetzung des Datenschutzrechts durch Unternehmen finden Sie hier eine Anleitung. Checklisten und ein Leitfaden dazu als PDF können Sie hier herunterladen:
For SMEs:
For grössere Unternehmen:
These templates come from DSAT, a set of forms that allows a structured self-assessment of a company’s data protection compliance. DSAT was developed by David Rosenthal and is technically supervised by him and David Vasella.
Templates for the data protection impact assessment (including a threshold analysis) – structured according to processing principles (which makes it easier to complete):
DSFA form, German (according to DSG; as of: 15.10.2024, with some corrections)
Form DSFA, English (according to DSG; English; status: 27.9.2023)
Processing directory – simple template for a responsible person and order processor (Excel, in German)
Form for processing regulations (by Sarah Bischof, Maria Winkler, David Rosenthal and David Vasella)
Building blocks for a response to requests for information under the DPA (as at 21.11.2024)
Procedure for requests for information (flowchart):