DSG revi­si­on: com­pa­ri­son of the legal texts

We have pre­pared a com­pa­ri­son of the revi­sed DPA accor­ding to the Final vote text of Sep­tem­ber 23, 2020 to the cur­rent text of the law as well as to the ori­gi­nal draft of the Fede­ral Coun­cil of Sep­tem­ber 15, 2017. The com­pa­ri­son can be found here (PDF).

Cer­tain (most­ly for­mal) adjust­ments in the final vote text were not dis­cus­sed by the Coun­cils and are pro­ba­b­ly based on adjust­ments made by the Draf­ting Com­mit­tee. They are inclu­ded in the del­ta to the Fede­ral Council’s draft (high­ligh­ted in red).

An online ver­si­on of the final vote text with excerp­ts of the mes­sa­ge can be found at here.




Rela­ted articles
