FDPIC – Data pro­tec­tion and rese­arch in general

The­se expl­ana­ti­ons are addres­sed to per­sons who con­duct rese­arch pri­va­te­ly or for a fede­ral body, and to fede­ral bodies that con­duct rese­arch them­sel­ves, com­mis­si­on third par­ties to do so, or for­ward per­so­nal data to rese­ar­chers. They do not app­ly to public bodies of the can­tons and muni­ci­pa­li­ties, such as uni­ver­si­ties (with the excep­ti­on of the ETH), can­to­nal, uni­ver­si­ty, regio­nal and muni­ci­pal hos­pi­tals. The­se fall under the juris­dic­tion of the can­to­nal and muni­ci­pal data pro­tec­tion authorities.

Source: FDPIC – Data pro­tec­tion and rese­arch in general




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