FDPIC – Health que­sti­on­n­aire in appli­ca­ti­on procedures

In sum­ma­ry, it can be said that the admis­si­bi­li­ty of such a que­sti­on­n­aire depends on the posi­ti­on or func­tion. In case an appli­cant has to fill in a que­sti­on­n­aire, he/she has to decla­re his/her ill­nesses (e.g. dia­be­tes), but the doc­tor is not allo­wed to inform the employer about a dia­gno­sis. He may only inform about an unsa­tis­fac­to­ry sui­ta­bi­li­ty for the job, for exam­p­le, if the ill­ness direct­ly and curr­ent­ly affects the abili­ty to work or makes it impos­si­ble to per­form the job.

Source: FDPIC – Health que­sti­on­n­aire in appli­ca­ti­on procedures




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