FDPIC – Medi­cal histo­ry and right to information

Does the Data Pro­tec­tion Act also app­ly to medi­cal record kee­ping?
Am I entit­led to infor­ma­ti­on about the con­tent of my medi­cal histo­ry?
Can the phy­si­ci­an refu­se to pro­vi­de infor­ma­ti­on about per­so­nal notes in the medi­cal record?
Can I request the release of my ori­gi­nal medi­cal records?
How much does it cost to obtain infor­ma­ti­on about my pati­ent data? Do I have to justi­fy the request for information?
How can I enforce the dis­clo­sure of my pati­ent data if necessary?
How long must pati­ent records be kept?

Source: FDPIC – Medi­cal histo­ry and right to information