FDPIC – Cre­dit, trade and busi­ness infor­ma­ti­on agencies

If you have ever fai­led to pay a bill on time, recei­ved a payment order or been ope­ra­ted, you may be regi­stered as not cre­dit­wor­t­hy in a data coll­ec­tion of a cre­dit, busi­ness and com­mer­cial cre­dit agen­cy – even if the who­le thing tur­ned out to be a misun­derstan­ding. It may the­r­e­fo­re hap­pen that you are refu­sed a mobi­le con­tract, for exam­p­le, or that a mail-order com­pa­ny is only wil­ling to deli­ver on a cash-on-deli­very basis.

Source: FDPIC – Cre­dit, trade and busi­ness infor­ma­ti­on agencies




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