FDPIC – Moder­nizati­on of data protection

Fol­lo­wing two par­lia­men­ta­ry moti­ons, the Fede­ral Coun­cil sub­mit­ted a dis­patch to the Fede­ral Assem­bly reque­st­ing a par­ti­al revi­si­on of the Fede­ral Act of 19 June 1992 on Data Pro­tec­tion (FADP) and the rati­fi­ca­ti­on of the Addi­tio­nal Pro­to­col to the Coun­cil of Euro­pe Con­ven­ti­on for the Pro­tec­tion of Indi­vi­du­als with regard to Auto­ma­tic Pro­ce­s­sing of Per­so­nal Data (Con­ven­ti­on 108). The draft Public Access Act sub­mit­ted to Par­lia­ment will also lead to an amend­ment of the DPA. Final­ly, depen­ding on the pro­gress of the bila­te­ral nego­tia­ti­ons bet­ween Switz­er­land and the Euro­pean Uni­on, a more sub­stan­ti­al revi­si­on of the DPA may soon pro­ve neces­sa­ry. Over­all, the EDPS agrees with the reque­sted chan­ges, but reg­rets that a more far-rea­ching revi­si­on is not being sought.

Source: FDPIC – Moder­nizati­on of data protection




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