FDPIC – Refe­rence infor­ma­ti­on in the appli­ca­ti­on process

When obtai­ning or pro­vi­ding a refe­rence, essen­ti­al traits of the applicant’s per­so­na­li­ty are asses­sed. Accor­ding to the FADP, the­se are per­so­na­li­ty pro­files. In order for such data to be pro­ce­s­sed at all, pri­or and expli­cit con­sent is requi­red. This con­sent can­not the­r­e­fo­re sim­ply be assu­med if, for exam­p­le, the employee lists the pre­vious employers in his or her CV. Howe­ver, if the appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments con­tain infor­ma­ti­on on a for­mer employer or a for­mer super­vi­sor under the hea­ding “Refe­ren­ces”, this may be inter­pre­ted as con­sent or appr­oval to obtain references.

Source: FDPIC – Refe­rence infor­ma­ti­on in the appli­ca­ti­on process




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