FDPIC – Acti­vi­ty report 17 (2009÷2010)


1. data pro­tec­tion .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 14
1.1 Basic rights .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 14
1.1.1 Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Data Pro­tec­tion Manage­ment Systems: Accre­di­ta­ti­ons … 14
1.1.2 Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of pro­ducts: Quo vadis? .….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 14
1.1.3 2010 Cen­sus .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 15
1.1.4 SLFS – Fede­ral sta­tis­ti­cal sur­vey by tele­pho­ne .….….….….….….….….… 16
1.1.5 The new Human Rese­arch Act .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 17
1.1.6 Con­sul­ta­ti­on pro­ce­du­re on the Fede­ral Act on the
Com­pa­ny iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 18
1.2 Data pro­tec­tion issues in gene­ral .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 20
1.2.1 Video recor­ding using dro­nes .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 20
1.2.2 Bio­me­tric access systems at the sports cen­ter KSS: Further
Deve­lo­p­ment* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 23
1.2.3 Eye inspec­tion for the instal­la­ti­on of an access con­trol system in
a ski resort* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 24
1.2.4 Moni­to­ring acti­vi­ties of the com­pa­ny Secu­ri­tas AG* .….….….….….….… 25
1.2.5 State­ment on the plan­ned road acci­dent regi­ster (Via Sicu­ra) . 26
1.2.6 Pil­lo­ry for spee­ders? .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 27
1.2.7 Revi­si­on of the Sports Act .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 28
1.2.8 Data pro­tec­tion and doping .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 29
1.2.9 Exemp­ti­on from the obli­ga­ti­on to pay fees for radio and tele­vi­si­on .….….….….…… 29
1.2.10 Cross-bor­der admi­ni­stra­ti­ve assi­stance and Art. 6 DPA .….….….….….….….….….….… 30
1.2.11 Data pro­tec­tion and RFID .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 32
1.2.12 Pro­tec­tion of sen­si­ti­ve data on sto­rage systems .….….….….….….….….….. 35
1.3 Inter­net and tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 38
1.3.1 E‑government and the digi­tal citi­zen.….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 38
1.3.2 Street views on the Inter­net: Goog­le Street View .….….….….….….….….….… 38
1.3.3 Street views on the Inter­net: “Touch­town” .….….….….….….….….….….….…. 40
1.3.4 Eva­lua­tions of web page acce­s­ses .….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 40
1.3.5 Inter­net tele­vi­si­on .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 41
1.3.6 Expl­ana­ti­ons on mobi­le data pro­ce­s­sing .….….….….….….….….….….…… 41
1.3.7 Expl­ana­ti­ons on deal­ing with search engi­nes .….….….….….….….….….….. 42
1.3.8 Intro­duc­tion of secu­re mes­sa­ging* 42
1.4 Justice/police/security .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 44
1.4.1 Imple­men­ta­ti­on of Schen­gen: Con­trol of the FDPIC at diplo­ma­tic missions.
Swiss repre­sen­ta­ti­on in Cai­ro* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 44
1.4.2 Imple­men­ta­ti­on Schen­gen: Log­fi les SIS* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 45
1.4.3 Imple­men­ta­ti­on of Schen­gen: FDPIC con­trol at the Fede­ral Cri­mi­nal Poli­ce* 45
1.4.4 Schen­gen coor­di­na­ti­on group of the Swiss
Data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ties* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 46
1.4.5 Requests for infor­ma­ti­on regar­ding the ISIS* infor­ma­ti­on system .….….….….….… 48
1.4.6 Impro­ve­ment of safe­ty regu­la­ti­ons for ord­nan­ce wea­pons* .….….…… 48
1.4.7 Preli­mi­na­ry draft for the revi­si­on of the Fede­ral Law on Surveillance
of postal and tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons traf­fic .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 49
1.5 Health .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 51
1.5.1 Revi­si­on of the Epi­de­mics Act: Infec­tious dise­a­ses .….….….….….….…… 51
1.5.2 eHe­alth: assess­ment of the recom­men­ded archi­tec­tu­re .….….….….….….….….….… 52
1.5.3 Mini­mum stan­dards for hos­pi­tal admis­si­on forms .….….….….….….….… 52
1.5.4 Out­sour­cing of medi­cal data .….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 54
1.5.5 Leaf­let on dischar­ge and ope­ra­ti­on reports .….….….….….….….….….…. 55
1.5.6 Sen­ding blood samples abroad .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 55
1.5.7 Inco­me sta­tis­tics of inde­pen­dent phy­si­ci­ans .….….….….….….….….….….….. 56
1.5.8 Medi­cal rese­arch pro­ject in a hos­pi­tal .….….….….….….….….….….. 56
1.5.9 Coll­ec­tion of pati­ent data for medi­cal rese­arch .….…. 59
1.6 Insu­rance .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 61
1.6.1 Case manage­ment .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 61
1.6.2 Regi­stra­ti­on of health insu­rance data coll­ec­tions .….….….….….….… 61
1.6.3 Scope of the right to inspect files in UVG pro­ce­e­dings .….….….….….….….….… 62
1.6.4 Leaf­let on obtai­ning expert opi­ni­ons by lia­bi­li­ty insu­r­ers .….….. 63
1.6.5 Elec­tro­nic data dis­clo­sure in the AHV/IV sec­tor .….….….….….….….…… 63
1.6.6 Social Abu­se Hot­line.….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 64
1.7 Workspace .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 66
1.7.1 Data pro­tec­tion in the con­text of the use of the elec­tro­nic infrastructure
in the fede­ral admi­ni­stra­ti­on* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 66
1.7.2 Atten­dance check using fin­ger­prints .….….….….….….….….….…… 67
1.7.3 Spy­wa­re in the work­place .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 68
1.7.4 Fami­ly allo­wan­ces and appli­ca­ti­on form .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 68
1.7.5 Health check for postal employees .….….….….….….….….….….….. 69
1.7.6 Lidl per­son­nel and video regu­la­ti­ons .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 70
1.7.7 Employee check on the Inter­net .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 70
1.7.8 Deli­very of pen­si­on fund state­ments .….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 71
1.7.9 Publi­ca per­son­nel regu­la­ti­ons .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 72
1.8 Trade and eco­no­my .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 73
1.8.1 Obli­ga­ti­on to regi­ster for for­eign owners of a data coll­ec­tion .….….….…. 73
1.8.2 Expl­ana­ti­ons on data trans­fer in the case of cor­po­ra­te mer­gers .….….….…. 73
1.8.3 Expl­ana­ti­ons regar­ding the com­pa­ny data pro­tec­tion offi­cer .….….….….. 74
1.8.4 Dis­clo­sure of per­so­nal data to third par­ties by asso­cia­ti­ons for the pur­po­se of
Mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 74
1.8.5 Infor­ma­ti­on ser­vice on tenant cre­dit­wort­hi­ness .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 76
1.8.6 Cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­ons with a gene­tic test pro­vi­der .….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 77
1.9 Finan­ces .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 79
1.9.1 Data pro­tec­tion in inter­na­tio­nal payments (SWIFT) .….….….….….….…. 79
1.9.2 Dou­ble taxa­ti­on agree­ments .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 80
1.9.3 Data pro­tec­tion in the cross-bor­der sale of receiv­a­bles.….….….….….…. 80
1.9.4 Total revi­si­on of the Ordi­nan­ce on the new Value Added Tax Act .….….….… 81
1.9.5 Pro­por­tio­na­li­ty of cre­dit­wort­hi­ness data pro­ce­s­sing .….….….….….….….…. 83
1.10 Inter­na­tio­nal .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 85
1.10.1 Inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on* .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 85

2. publi­ci­ty prin­ci­ple: 2009 annu­al finan­cial state­ments .….….….….….….….….….….….. 92
2.1 Access requests .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 92
2.1.1 Depart­ments and fede­ral offices .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 92
2.1.2 Par­lia­men­ta­ry Ser­vices .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 93
2.2 Con­ci­lia­ti­on requests .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 93
2.3 Com­ple­ted con­ci­lia­ti­on pro­ce­e­dings .….….….….….….….….….….….… 94
2.3.1 Recom­men­da­ti­ons .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 94
2.3.2 Media­ti­ons .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 100
2.4 Eva­lua­ti­on .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 102

3. the FDPIC .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 106
3.1 Rene­wal of our busi­ness admi­ni­stra­ti­on system (GEVER)* .….….….…… 106
3.2 4th Euro­pean Data Pro­tec­tion Day .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 107
3.3 FDPIC publi­ca­ti­ons – new publi­ca­ti­ons .….….….….….….….….….….…. 108
3.4 Sta­tis­tics on the acti­vi­ties of the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion and
Public Infor­ma­ti­on Offi­cer (peri­od: April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010) .….….….….….….….….….….….….… 110
3.5 Sta­tis­tics on access requests sub­mit­ted to the departments
accor­ding to Art. 6 of the Publi­ci­ty Act
(Peri­od: Janu­ary 1, 2009 to Decem­ber 31, 2009) .….….….….….….….….…… 113
3.6 Sta­tis­tics on access requests sub­mit­ted to the par­lia­men­ta­ry services
accor­ding to Art. 6 of the Publi­ci­ty Act
(Peri­od: Janu­ary 1, 2009 to Decem­ber 31, 2009) .….….….….….….….….…… 121
3.7 Num­ber of con­ci­lia­ti­on requests by cate­go­ries of applicants
(Peri­od: Janu­ary 1, 2009 to Decem­ber 31, 2009) .….….….….….….….….…… 121
3.8 The FDPIC Secre­ta­ri­at .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….. 122
4. anne­xes .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 124
4.1 Data pro­tec­tion .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…. 124
4.1.1 Expl­ana­ti­ons on mobi­le data pro­ce­s­sing .….….….….….….….….….….…. 124
4.1.2 Infor­ma­ti­on and tips on using search engi­nes .….….….….…… 136
4.1.3 Expl­ana­ti­ons regar­ding the com­pa­ny data pro­tec­tion offi­cer .….….….….….138
4.1.4 Expl­ana­ti­ons on data trans­fer in the case of cor­po­ra­te mer­gers .….….…… 145
4.1.5 Request for decis­i­on con­cer­ning the estab­lish­ment of professional
Pre­cau­ti­on X.….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….…… 150
4.1.6 Recom­men­da­ti­on regar­ding “Goog­le Street View” .….….….….….….….….….….….. 167
4.1.7 Move on regar­ding “Goog­le Street View” .….….….….….….….….….….….….. 179
4.1.8 Move on regar­ding “KSS Schaff­hau­sen” .….….….….….….….….….….….…… 206
4.1.9 Reso­lu­ti­on on the streng­thening of inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on in the
Data pro­tec­tion and pri­va­cy area .….….….….….….….….….. 226
4.2 Publi­ci­ty prin­ci­ple .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 229
4.2.1 Recom­men­da­ti­on to the Depart­ment of Justi­ce and Police:
“Ter­mi­na­ti­on Agree­ments of Employment Con­tracts” .….….….….….….….….… 229
4.2.2 Recom­men­da­ti­on to the Fede­ral Office for Migra­ti­on: “Raw data ZEMIS” .….….….. 229
4.2.3 Recom­men­da­ti­on to the Fede­ral Tax Administration:
“Cockpits/Officer Report­ing” .….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….….… 237
4.2.4 Recom­men­da­ti­on to the Fede­ral Depart­ment of the Envi­ron­ment, Transport,
Ener­gy and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons: “Sup­ple­men­ta­ry docu­men­ta­ti­on govern­ment accounts” (I) . 248
4.2.5 Recom­men­da­ti­on to the Gene­ral Secre­ta­ri­ats of the Depart­ments (FDHA, FDJP, DDPS,
FDF, FDEA and to DETEC): “Sup­ple­men­ta­ry docu­men­ta­ti­on on the sta­te accounts” (II) … 255

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