FDPIC: Revi­si­on of web­site, new report­ing por­tals (by 1.9.23)

On the occa­si­on of Data Pro­tec­tion Day last Satur­day, the FDPIC published a Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on on elec­tions and votes and on the revi­si­on of fede­ral and can­to­nal data pro­tec­tion laws published. On the first point, he refers to the new gui­de to elec­tions and voting, about which we have repor­ted.

In con­nec­tion with the revi­si­on, the FDPIC draws atten­ti­on to the new report­ing por­tals that it intends to make available upon ent­ry into force:

  • Mes­sa­ge from Pro­ce­s­sing direc­to­ries (fede­ral bodies only; Art. 12 para. 4 nDSG);
  • Mes­sa­ge from Data pro­tec­tion con­sul­tants (fede­ral bodies only; Art. 27 para. 2 DPA);
  • Mes­sa­ge from Data secu­ri­ty brea­ches with high risk (Art. 24 nDSG; Art. 15 FADP).

In addi­ti­on, the web­site of the FDPIC will be revi­sed, with infor­ma­ti­on in line with the revi­sed law and with expl­ana­ti­ons of new tools such as the data pro­tec­tion impact assessment.




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