EDSA: Final ver­si­on of gui­de­lines on Schrems II mea­su­res published

The Euro­pean Data Pro­tec­tion Board has issued its gui­de­lines on addi­tio­nal mea­su­res for third coun­try trans­fers under Schrems II published in the defi­ni­ti­ve ver­si­on (V. 2.0, dated June 18, 2021). A del­ta view of the draft (for this pur­po­se here) and the final ver­si­on now published is available here.

Obvious­ly, the mas­si­ve cri­ti­cism of the draft’s too strict “rights-based” approach bore fruit: the final ver­si­on is signi­fi­cant­ly more risk-ori­en­ted and thus also bet­ter fits the requi­re­ments of the new stan­dard con­trac­tu­al clau­ses to the assess­ment of risks asso­cia­ted with trans­fers to third countries.




Rela­ted articles
