EDSA: Gui­de­lines on the right to be forgotten

The EDSA published the final ver­si­on of its gui­dance on the right to be for­got­ten in July 2020 (Gui­de­lines 5/2019 on the cri­te­ria of the Right to be For­got­ten in the search engi­nes cases under the GDPR). The gui­de­lines rela­te sole­ly to the search engi­ne operator’s obli­ga­ti­on to delist a par­ti­cu­lar search result at the request of a data sub­ject – not the dele­ti­on of a link, in other words, but the sup­pres­si­on of the search result in a search for the data sub­ject (cf. also the recent Decis­i­on of the Ger­man BGH).




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