ECtHR: Big Brot­her Watch et al. v. UK

On Sep­tem­ber 13, 2018, the Euro­pean Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in the case of Big Brot­her Watch et al. v. UK pas­sed his sen­tence. The decis­i­on con­cerns three lawsuits filed by 14 NGOs against sur­veil­lan­ce mea­su­res in the United King­dom in the wake of the Snow­den affair. The ECtHR comes to the con­clu­si­on that the sur­veil­lan­ce at that time par­ti­al­ly vio­la­ted the ECHR. On the ruling, cf. e.g. the report­ing of the NZZ or of the Guar­di­an.




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