Recom­men­da­ti­on of the FDPIC on Money­hou­se (29.04.2015)

Recom­men­da­ti­on of the FDPIC on Money­hou­se (29.04.2015):

a. Data of child­ren will only be dis­c­lo­sed by itonex AG in the area of cre­dit­wort­hi­ness inqui­ries. In this case, the noti­fi­ca­ti­on is to be limi­t­ed to the lack of con­trac­tu­al capability.
b. itonex AG ensu­res that per­sons who are not regi­stered in the com­mer­cial regi­ster have a legal­ly valid expli­cit con­sent for data pro­ce­s­sing that goes bey­ond what is neces­sa­ry for a cre­dit check.
c. Data of per­sons who are not regi­stered in HR and who­se expli­cit con­sent has not been obtai­ned may not be dis­play­ed in any ser­vices bey­ond the cre­dit check.
d. itonex AG dele­tes all data that is not abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry for the cre­dit check from per­sons who are not regi­stered in the HR and who­se expli­cit con­sent has not been given.
e. itonex AG remo­ves links that enable the crea­ti­on of per­so­na­li­ty pro­files by users of the platform.
f. The com­pa­ny search is initi­al­ly limi­t­ed by default to the dis­play of ent­ries acti­ve in the com­mer­cial register.
g. The dis­co­vera­bi­li­ty of per­sons ente­red in the com­mer­cial regi­ster via search engi­nes shall be adapt­ed in accordance with the prac­ti­ce of
h. In the event of a new trans­fer of per­so­nal data, itonex AG shall ensu­re that the ori­gi­nal pur­po­se for which this data was pro­ce­s­sed cor­re­sponds to the pro­ce­s­sing pur­po­se pur­sued by itonex AG. Other­wi­se, this data may not be taken over.
i. itonex AG informs regi­stered and unre­gi­stered visi­tors of the web­site equal­ly com­ple­te, up-to-date and cor­rect about:
1. the pur­po­ses of the data pro­ce­s­sing car­ri­ed out;
2. all offers of infor­ma­ti­on that can be retrieved;
3. all data sources from which the data is obtai­ned directly;
4. the right to infor­ma­ti­on and correction.
j. The net­work of per­sons regi­stered in the com­mer­cial regi­ster is limi­t­ed by default to unde­le­ted rela­ti­ons at the beginning.
k. itonex AG shall check the data stock with regard to cor­rect­ness to an ext­ent that is in rea­sonable per­cen­ta­ge rela­ti­on to the queries made.
l. itonex AG ensu­res the cor­rect lin­king of its own data with that of partners.
m. itonex AG pro­vi­des all per­sons affec­ted by data pro­ce­s­sing on the plat­form with an easi­ly acce­s­si­ble cor­rec­tion option.
n. If a data sub­ject objects to the data pro­ce­s­sing and requests dele­ti­on, itonex AG shall dele­te the data in full within one working day or assert a justi­fi­ca­ti­on at the time the dele­ti­on request is pro­ce­s­sed. itonex AG shall crea­te a blocking list and update it on an ongo­ing basis. If the dele­ti­on request is objec­ted to, the per­son con­cer­ned shall be infor­med of his or her rights. Per­sons who are ente­red in the com­mer­cial regi­ster and sub­mit a request for dele­ti­on will be infor­med of the legal situa­ti­on and the search engi­ne index­ing will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly deleted.
o. The cre­dit inquiry shall be enab­led in accordance with the law. The num­ber of sub­se­quent checks of a pro­of of inte­rest exi­sting at the time of the cre­dit­wort­hi­ness query shall be made at regu­lar inter­vals and in a ratio of at least 5% to the queries made. The pro­of of inte­rest of the self-dis­clo­sure shall be dele­ted as being extra­neous to the system (shall not be con­side­red as a pro­of of inte­rest within a cre­dit­wort­hi­ness query). The query mask for sear­ching for a per­son in the cre­dit­wort­hi­ness data­ba­se requi­res the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of a cur­rent place of resi­dence in Switzerland.
p. Infor­ma­ti­on will be pro­vi­ded to all users equal­ly and in accordance with the law, in accordance with the requi­re­ments of Artic­le 8 of the Data Pro­tec­tion Act, in par­ti­cu­lar free of char­ge and naming all data sup­pliers. Requests for infor­ma­ti­on will be for­ward­ed to the part­ners of itonex AG, who also pro­cess per­so­nal data, in accordance with Artic­le 1 Para­graph 6 VDSG.
q. The regi­stra­ti­on of the data coll­ec­tion with the FDPIC is updated. itonex AG also pre­pa­res pro­ce­s­sing regu­la­ti­ons that com­ply with the requi­re­ments of Artic­le 11 a VDSG.
r. The data pro­ce­s­sing of per­so­nal data of per­sons with resi­dence or place of busi­ness in the
For­eign count­ries are checked by itonex AG for legal con­for­mi­ty so that the cor­re­spon­ding information,
Can­cel­la­ti­on and cor­rec­tion requests can be processed.





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