Rela­ted articles

Sear­ching for decis­i­ons of Swiss courts can be dif­fi­cult, and not all data­ba­ses include all judgments. The most com­pre­hen­si­ve data­ba­se for the case law of Swiss courts, with more than 600,000 decis­i­ons, is curr­ent­ly pro­ba­b­ly Justem­entwhich is ope­ra­ted by Justem­ent GmbH (behind it stands the soft­ware deve­lo­per Phil­ip Stutz). The search is fast and works across natio­nal lan­guages. Text pas­sa­ges from judgments can be trans­la­ted with one click (based on DeepL), refe­ren­ces are lin­ked, and cita­ti­ons and quo­ta­ti­ons of decis­i­ons are displayed.

The search can be tested wit­hout regi­stra­ti­on with the lea­ding decis­i­ons of the Fede­ral Supre­me Court. Can­to­nal case law and more com­plex func­tions requi­re paid subscriptions.

Exclu­si­ve­ly for rea­ders of Justem­ent offers a dis­count of 20% on a year­ly sub­scrip­ti­on of the “Pro­fes­sio­nal” sub­scrip­ti­on (CHF 399 instead of CHF 499). The dis­count is valid for the first year of the sub­scrip­ti­on peri­od. To do so, the pro­mo code DATENRECHT must be ente­red (by the end of Febru­ary 2022 at the latest).