EU and Japan agree on ade­qua­cy decision

On July 17, 2018, the EU and Japan agreed to reco­gnize each other’s data pro­tec­tion systems as equi­va­lent (the EU Commission’s press release can be found at here). Befo­re the EU Com­mis­si­on will for­mal­ly adopt its ade­qua­cy decis­i­on, Japan will intro­du­ce the fol­lo­wing guarantees:

  • addi­tio­nal legal safe­guards for indi­vi­du­als in the EU who­se per­so­nal data are trans­fer­red to Japan, with the­se addi­tio­nal safe­guards inten­ded to bridge cer­tain dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween the two data pro­tec­tion regimes. The­se addi­tio­nal safe­guards will, for exam­p­le, streng­then the pro­tec­tion of sen­si­ti­ve data, the con­di­ti­ons under which EU data can be trans­fer­red from Japan to ano­ther third coun­try, and the exer­cise of sub­jec­ti­ve rights of access and rec­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. The­se pro­vi­si­ons will be bin­ding on Japa­ne­se com­pa­nies import­ing data from the EU and enforceable befo­re Japan’s inde­pen­dent data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­ri­ty (PPC) and the courts.
  • a mecha­nism to hand­le, inve­sti­ga­te, and resol­ve com­plaints from Euro­peans about Japa­ne­se aut­ho­ri­ties’ access to their data. This new mecha­nism will be admi­ni­ste­red and moni­to­red by Japan’s inde­pen­dent data pro­tec­tion authority.

The Com­mis­si­on and Japan plan to adopt their respec­ti­ve ade­qua­cy decis­i­ons in the fall of 2018. The­re­af­ter, per­so­nal data will be able to be secu­re­ly exch­an­ged bet­ween the EU and Japan for both com­mer­cial and law enforce­ment purposes.




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