Euro­pean Cloud GAIA‑X as an Alter­na­ti­ve to Ame­ri­can Providers?

Euro­pean part­ners from poli­tics, busi­ness and sci­ence want to deve­lop a Euro­pean data infras­truc­tu­re. Aim of the pro­ject “GAIA‑X” is to design an open and trans­pa­rent data eco­sy­stem. In the future, GAIA‑X will pro­vi­de access to a broad port­fo­lio of pro­ducts and ser­vices from Euro­pean cloud providers.

Euro­pean secu­ri­ty stan­dards are to be imple­men­ted, e.g., pri­va­cy by design or cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and accre­di­ta­ti­on offe­rings. Every user should be able to deci­de for hims­elf whe­re his data is stored and by whom it may be pro­ce­s­sed and for what purpose.

More than 300 orga­nizati­ons from various count­ries are invol­ved, but main­ly from France and Ger­ma­ny. Among them are the com­pa­nies Atos, Oran­ge, SAP and Bosch. Poten­ti­al use cases include Indu­stry 4.0, finan­ce, health, mobi­li­ty and ener­gy. The pro­gress of the pro­ject can be moni­to­red on a Blog be tracked.




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