Road­map for the ent­ry into force of the DPA

Accor­ding to an inter­view with Fol­co Gal­li, the head of infor­ma­ti­on at the FOJ, on the radio pro­gram Info 3, the revi­sed DPA is plan­ned to enter into force ide­al­ly as ear­ly as August 2018:

As expec­ted, the draft and mes­sa­ge are to be pre­sen­ted as ear­ly as August 2017. The bill could then be dis­cus­sed in the 2017 win­ter ses­si­on or the 2018 spring ses­si­on, so that the refe­ren­dum peri­od would run until mid-June 2018. This would allow the new DPA to enter into force as ear­ly as August 2018, if no refe­ren­dum is filed.

The inter­view is available here (from 7:10 min):

Down­load: – 2017-1200.1498818184829.mp3.




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