
FDPA (DE) (the cur­rent DSG, in force sin­ce 1.9.23, with excerp­ts from the Mes­sa­ge)

FDPA (EN) (the cur­rent DPA, trans­la­ted into Eng­lish by Wal­der Wyss)

FDPO (the cur­rent data pro­tec­tion regulation)

DSV (EN) (the cur­rent Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on, trans­la­ted into Eng­lish by Wal­der Wyss)

old FDPA

old FDPO

draft FDPO (the draft of the DSV, repla­ced by this).

IDG ZH (the appli­ca­ble law on infor­ma­ti­on and data pro­tec­tion of the Can­ton of Zurich).

See here for revision.

GDPR (the Euro­pean Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on, with recitals).

AI Act (final version)

CoE AI Con­ven­ti­on (with explanations)

Digi­tal Ser­vices Act (DSA)


Data Act (Par­lia­men­ta­ry version)

Data Gover­nan­ce Act

Digi­tal Mar­kets Act

ERK 108 (the Coun­cil of Euro­pe Con­ven­ti­on No. 108 on Data Protection).

We link fur­ther laws on our Links page.