ECJ - ECJ C‑340/21: Adequate data security (concept and burden of proof); liability for breaches
ECJ - ECJ in the case of Deutsche Wohnen: Causal liability of companies for conduct within the organization
ECJ - ECJ (Case 300/21): Liability for breach of the GDPR: Proof of damage without de minimis threshold
Council of Europe - EU regulatory framework for AI: new liability rules for products and artificial intelligence
ArbG Düsseldorf: Damages of EUR 5,000 for a delayed and substantively incomplete disclosure to an employee; significance of the turnover for the substitute assessment
Supreme Court (UK) - UK Supreme Court: no employer liability in case of independent data breach of an employee
BGer - → swissblawg: 4A_433/2018, no liability of internet access providers for copyright infringements on the internet.