Inter­pel­la­ti­on Fia­la (18.3173): Effects of digi­ta­lizati­on in the heal­th­ca­re sector

Sub­mit­ted text

In the coming years and deca­des, digi­tizati­on will have a major impact on all aspects of our socie­ty, inclu­ding the health and care sec­tor in par­ti­cu­lar. The­se deve­lo­p­ments must be incor­po­ra­ted into stra­te­gic plan­ning with fore­sight and taken into account in legis­la­ti­ve mea­su­res. The FDF, for exam­p­le, envi­sa­ges set­ting up a working group with repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the offices con­cer­ned and the indu­stry to car­ry out the neces­sa­ry cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­ons with regard to block­chain tech­no­lo­gy and to iden­ti­fy any need for action. The fol­lo­wing que­sti­ons ari­se in this context:

1. does the FDHA have a simi­lar working group/task force deal­ing with new tech­no­lo­gies and their impact on the Swiss heal­th­ca­re system and long-term care? If not, does the Fede­ral Coun­cil plan to set up such a task force?

2. How will tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ments affect nur­sing and heal­th­ca­re work­force needs?

3. how will tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ments affect costs in the care and health sector?

4. in what time frame does the Fede­ral Coun­cil expect cor­re­spon­ding effects in the abo­ve-men­tio­ned areas?

5. Have the­se abo­ve-men­tio­ned issues been suf­fi­ci­ent­ly taken into account within the frame­work of the ongo­ing stra­te­gic and legis­la­ti­ve mea­su­res in the FDHA? If yes, within what frame­work? If no, why not?