Moti­on Béglé (18.3702): Smart Data. Switz­er­land should play a lea­ding role in sus­tainable digi­tizati­on with high value creation

Moti­on Béglé (18.3702): Smart Data. Switz­er­land should play a lea­ding role in sus­tainable digi­tizati­on with high value creation

Sub­mit­ted text

The Fede­ral Coun­cil is asked to include smart data in the prio­ri­ty list of the “Digi­tal Switz­er­land” stra­tegy to be updated by the end of 2018.

The volu­me of digi­tal data is explo­ding. Pro­ce­s­sing it requi­res new infras­truc­tures that con­su­me a gre­at deal of power. Smart Data meets the­se chal­lenges with cus­to­mi­zed data acqui­si­ti­on that offers many advantages:

1. pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­ment. Whe­re­as with Big Data as much data as pos­si­ble is coll­ec­ted and then ana­ly­zed, with Smart Data a sel­ec­tion is made from the out­set and only the data that is of use is coll­ec­ted. This redu­ces data flows and inventories.

2. adding more value. The ear­ly sel­ec­tion of data requi­res a strong front­loa­ding of the ana­ly­sis. This makes it pos­si­ble to obtain more rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on more quickly.

3. bet­ter pro­tec­tion of per­so­nal data through anony­mizati­on from the beginning.

Abo­ve all, Switz­er­land has all the pre­re­qui­si­tes to take a lea­ding role in the field of smart data: good frame­work con­di­ti­ons, high-qua­li­ty infras­truc­tures, posi­tio­ning at important inter­faces for Euro­pe. And it can bring to bear its know-how from the watch­ma­king and pre­cis­i­on tool indu­stries as well as its skills in the eco­no­mic­al use of ener­gy to install small, ener­gy-effi­ci­ent tools on objects con­nec­ted online. In the face of Big Data, the Fede­ral Coun­cil must pro­mo­te the alter­na­ti­ve of Smart Data, which, in addi­ti­on to pro­tec­ting the envi­ron­ment and pri­va­cy, also offers new per­spec­ti­ves for our indu­stry. In kee­ping with the Swiss tra­di­ti­on of “small is beautiful”.


Due to the explo­si­ve growth of online ser­vices, digi­tal pho­to­gra­phy and digi­tal video, Inter­net-con­nec­ted objects, and block­chain, the­re is a risk that infras­truc­tu­re (band­widths, digi­tal lockers) will be regu­lar­ly over­loa­ded despi­te the upco­ming 5G. Slo­wing down the flow of infor­ma­ti­on may pre­vent online con­nec­ted objects that requi­re imme­dia­te respon­se, such as self-dri­ving cars, from functioning.

25 per­cent of Euro­pean data is loca­ted in ener­gy-inten­si­ve cen­ters on Swiss ser­vers. The lar­gest data cen­ter con­su­mes as much ener­gy as 26,000 inha­bi­tants. Sus­tainable thin­king is cal­led for.

At the Euro­pean level, the race for smart data has alre­a­dy begun: The high-tech indu­stries published a report (Re-fin­ding Indu­stry) in April 2018 in which they cal­led on the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on to pro­mo­te recovery.

State­ment of the Bun­des­rat vm 15.8.2018

The Fede­ral Coun­cil is of the opi­ni­on that the con­cept of “smart data” can­not be a goal in its­elf. Rather, it is a way of coll­ec­ting, using and sto­ring data in a wide varie­ty of fac­tu­al con­texts that aims to limit data pro­ce­s­sing to only the data that is neces­sa­ry in each case. The term “smart data” its­elf is not con­clu­si­ve­ly defined.

The Fede­ral Coun­cil is pre­pared to address the con­cept of sus­tainable data manage­ment and its poten­ti­al for Switz­er­land as part of the revi­sed “Digi­tal Switz­er­land” stra­tegy. Howe­ver, it refrains from making “smart data” a prio­ri­ty of the revi­sed “Digi­tal Switz­er­land” stra­tegy, as reque­sted by the mover of the motion.




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