Moti­on Ett­lin (24.4597): Enable stan­dar­di­zed access to per­so­nal pen­si­on data

Sub­mit­ted text

The Fede­ral Coun­cil is reque­sted to ensu­re that the pro­vi­ders of all three pen­si­on pil­lars offer their insu­red per­sons secu­re digi­tal access to their pen­si­on data by means of inter­ope­ra­ble and stan­dar­di­zed inter­faces so that this data can be read and pro­ce­s­sed elec­tro­ni­cal­ly by the insu­red per­sons or, with their con­sent, made available to third-par­ty pro­vi­ders in a stan­dar­di­zed manner.

As this is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sen­si­ti­ve per­so­nal data, data pro­tec­tion must be taken into account and ensu­red in the tech­ni­cal and orga­nizatio­nal measures.

Stan­dar­dizati­on in the first pil­lar should be spe­ci­fi­ed by the fede­ral govern­ment and imple­men­ted by the com­pen­sa­ti­on funds. In the second and third pil­lars, the task should be han­ded over to the pri­va­te insti­tu­ti­ons for the sake of respon­si­bi­li­ty. If they can­not agree on stan­dards, the Fede­ral Coun­cil must defi­ne the­se on a sub­si­dia­ry basis.

Gene­rous intro­duc­tion peri­ods are to be defi­ned for the intro­duc­tion and imple­men­ta­ti­on, which may also vary for the three pil­lars depen­ding on the dif­fe­rent start­ing situations.


Many Swiss peo­p­le know litt­le about their pen­si­on situa­ti­on, the 3‑pillar model and the effects of decis­i­ons such as part-time work.

In order to pro­mo­te trans­pa­ren­cy and self-deter­mi­na­ti­on with regard to one’s own pen­si­on situa­ti­on, cross-pil­lar pen­si­on simu­la­ti­ons and sce­na­rio ana­ly­ses (e.g. later reti­re­ment age or part-time work) should be acce­s­si­ble to the gene­ral public in future.

The Fede­ral Coun­cil Decem­ber 2022 with the goals for open finan­ce that people’s abili­ty to use their finan­cial data free­ly should be strengthened.

In order for dash­boards to be crea­ted, the Fede­ral Coun­cil should only regu­la­te that all pro­vi­ders of the three pil­lars of pen­si­on pro­vi­si­on must make the pen­si­on data available in a stan­dar­di­zed and elec­tro­nic form with the con­sent of the insu­red per­son and ensu­re that the uni­form stan­dards are adhered to. In this way, third-par­ty pro­vi­ders can enable elec­tro­nic and auto­ma­tic fur­ther processing.

On this basis, the gene­ral public should have trans­pa­rent access to their cross-pil­lar pen­si­on data and be infor­med about their expec­ted future pension.