Motion Ettlin (24.4597): Enable standardized access to personal pension data
Submitted text
The Federal Council is requested to ensure that the providers of all three pension pillars offer their insured persons secure digital access to their pension data by means of interoperable and standardized interfaces so that this data can be read and processed electronically by the insured persons or, with their consent, made available to third-party providers in a standardized manner.
As this is particularly sensitive personal data, data protection must be taken into account and ensured in the technical and organizational measures.
Standardization in the first pillar should be specified by the federal government and implemented by the compensation funds. In the second and third pillars, the task should be handed over to the private institutions for the sake of responsibility. If they cannot agree on standards, the Federal Council must define these on a subsidiary basis.
Generous introduction periods are to be defined for the introduction and implementation, which may also vary for the three pillars depending on the different starting situations.
Many Swiss people know little about their pension situation, the 3‑pillar model and the effects of decisions such as part-time work.
In order to promote transparency and self-determination with regard to one’s own pension situation, cross-pillar pension simulations and scenario analyses (e.g. later retirement age or part-time work) should be accessible to the general public in future.
The Federal Council December 2022 with the goals for open finance that people’s ability to use their financial data freely should be strengthened.
In order for dashboards to be created, the Federal Council should only regulate that all providers of the three pillars of pension provision must make the pension data available in a standardized and electronic form with the consent of the insured person and ensure that the uniform standards are adhered to. In this way, third-party providers can enable electronic and automatic further processing.
On this basis, the general public should have transparent access to their cross-pillar pension data and be informed about their expected future pension.