Moti­on FDP (20.3243): Covid-19. Acce­le­ra­ting digi­tizati­on in the heal­th­ca­re sector

Moti­on FDP (20.3243): Covid-19. Acce­le­ra­ting digi­tizati­on in the heal­th­ca­re sector

Sub­mit­ted text

The Fede­ral Coun­cil is ins­truc­ted, in coope­ra­ti­on with the stake­hol­ders con­cer­ned, to deve­lop the neces­sa­ry Take mea­su­res to acce­le­ra­te the digi­tizati­on pro­cess of our heal­th­ca­re system. The empha­sis should be on the fol­lo­wing points, among others:

1. the elec­tro­nic pati­ent dos­sier must quick­ly beco­me the norm in heal­th­ca­re for all stakeholders.

2. the use of the Tele­me­di­ci­ne is reco­gnized and encouraged.

3. any kind of Cor­re­spon­dence bet­ween the play­ers in the health care system takes place digi­tal. Excep­ti­ons are pos­si­ble for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with pati­ents who have limi­t­ed access to digi­tal means of communication.

4. the use of Appli­ca­ti­ons, which allow pati­ents to moni­tor their health sta­tus, is being pro­mo­ted, inclu­ding in basic insurance.

5. the Online purcha­se of medi­ci­nes is faci­li­ta­ted and encou­ra­ged during the health care crisis.


The Covid-19 cri­sis has high­ligh­ted Switzerland’s lag­ging behind in the digi­tizati­on of the heal­th­ca­re system. It has con­firm­ed the alar­ming fin­ding of the Ber­tels­mann Foun­da­ti­on that Switz­er­land ranks 14th among 18 indu­stria­li­zed count­ries in the 2019 digi­tal health rating.

Switz­er­land must quick­ly catch up in this area. The indi­vi­du­al elec­tro­nic pati­ent dos­sier, which is accept­ed and also used in the inpa­ti­ent and out­pa­ti­ent sec­tors, must be intro­du­ced quick­ly. The Covid 19 cri­sis has high­ligh­ted the need to faci­li­ta­te and pro­mo­te access to tele­me­di­ci­ne to allow more fle­xi­ble con­sul­ta­ti­ons and avo­id unneces­sa­ry tra­vel (risk of infec­tion). In addi­ti­on, cor­re­spon­dence bet­ween stake­hol­ders must be exclu­si­ve­ly elec­tro­nic. Excep­ti­ons may be made for pati­ents with limi­t­ed access to digi­tal means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, the use of appli­ca­ti­ons with which the per­so­nal sta­te of health can be self-moni­to­red is to be pro­mo­ted, inclu­ding in basic insu­rance. The poten­ti­al of the­se new tools must be ful­ly exploi­ted. The Covid 19 cri­sis has high­ligh­ted the need to cla­ri­fy the issue of obtai­ning medi­ci­nes online. In nor­mal times, the deli­very of pre­scrip­ti­on drugs must be faci­li­ta­ted. In times of cri­sis, it must be pos­si­ble to order non-pre­scrip­ti­on medi­ci­nes direct­ly to the home.

State­ment of the Fede­ral Coun­cil of 2.9.20

1 to 3 The Fede­ral Coun­cil shares the assess­ment that the­re is a need to catch up with regard to digi­tizati­on in the Swiss heal­th­ca­re system. Thus, as part of the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Stra­tegy eHe­alth Switz­er­land 2.0 from Decem­ber 2018 the intro­duc­tion and sub­se­quent dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of the elec­tro­nic pati­ent dos­sier (EPD) tog­e­ther with the can­tons and all invol­ved stake­hol­ders. Fur­ther mea­su­res to pro­mo­te the dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of the EPD are curr­ent­ly being deve­lo­ped as part of the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Postu­la­te 18.4328 Wehr­li “Elec­tro­nic pati­ent dos­sier. What still needs to be done befo­re it can be used across the board?” exami­ned. Pro­mo­ting the use of tele­me­di­ci­ne and the digi­tal exch­an­ge of data bet­ween all play­ers in the heal­th­ca­re system (e.g. elec­tro­nic bil­ling) is also a mat­ter of con­cern to the Fede­ral Coun­cil and is being taken up as part of various pro­jects (e.g. packa­ges of mea­su­res to con­tain costs). The pro­mo­ti­on of health-rela­ted beha­vi­or through the use of digi­tal tools is one of the mea­su­res of the Natio­nal Stra­tegy for the Pre­ven­ti­on of Non­com­mu­ni­ca­ble Dise­a­ses 2017 – 2024 (NCD Stra­tegy; Mea­su­re 2.5, “Pro­mo­te the use of new tech­no­lo­gies”).. Like­wi­se, in the adopted eHe­alth Stra­tegy 2.0 expli­ci­t­ly men­tio­ned the pro­mo­ti­on of mobi­le health as a goal in order to exploit the poten­ti­al of tele­me­di­ci­ne and telemonitoring.

4. the­re are alre­a­dy today Digi­tal appli­ca­ti­ons and apps for moni­to­ring the sta­te of health, the reim­bur­sed by the com­pul­so­ry health insu­rance (OKP) can be reim­bur­sed. Howe­ver, as a pre­re­qui­si­te for remu­ne­ra­ti­on, the cri­te­ria of effec­ti­ve­ness, appro­pria­ten­ess and cost-effec­ti­ve­ness (WZW cri­te­ria) must be met.

On the other hand, the Fede­ral Coun­cil rejects the inte­gra­ti­on of appli­ca­ti­ons for moni­to­ring health sta­tus as a func­tion of bonus pro­grams in the OKP. As sta­ted in the opi­ni­on on the Moti­on 18.3976 Hum­bel “Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the NCD stra­tegy. Use elec­tro­nic pati­ent dos­sier for incen­ti­ves for health-con­scious beha­vi­or”. the use of such appli­ca­ti­ons must take into account the fact that the prin­ci­ple of soli­da­ri­ty applies to basic health insu­rance. Howe­ver, bonus pro­grams of this kind would not bene­fit peo­p­le who are ill, phy­si­cal­ly impai­red, elder­ly, unath­le­tic or not so tech­ni­cal­ly adept. be dis­cri­mi­na­ted against. Simi­lar­ly, insu­reds who place a high value on pri­va­cy and data pro­tec­tion are disadvantaged.

5. the Fede­ral Coun­cil checks in ful­fill­ment of the Postu­la­te Stahl 19.3382 “Mail order of non-pre­scrip­ti­on medi­ci­nes”.how mail-order sales of non-pre­scrip­ti­on drugs can be made pos­si­ble in nor­mal times wit­hout com­pro­mi­sing tre­at­ment safe­ty and qua­li­ty com­pared to dis­pen­sing by inpa­ti­ent spe­cia­list retail­ers. The Fede­ral Coun­cil is expec­ted to publish the report on the postu­la­te in the 2022 say goodbye.

As a result of the Covid 19 epi­de­mic, the dis­cus­sion about lif­ting the ban on the dis­patch of medi­ci­nes wit­hout a doctor’s pre­scrip­ti­on has beco­me some­what topi­cal. Howe­ver, the Fede­ral Office of Public Health (FOPH), tog­e­ther with Swiss­me­dic, the Fede­ral Office for Natio­nal Eco­no­mic Sup­p­ly and the can­to­nal enforce­ment agen­ci­es, came to the con­clu­si­on in the cour­se of an inve­sti­ga­ti­on that the care of peo­p­le who were unable to lea­ve their homes could be ensu­red even in the extra­or­di­na­ry situa­ti­on by exter­nal hos­pi­tal ser­vices, home deli­veries by public phar­maci­es and drugs­to­res, and help from rela­ti­ves. Against this back­ground, the adop­ti­on of the report in ful­fill­ment of the postu­la­te Stahl 19.3382 can be awai­ted befo­re fur­ther steps are decided.




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