Decis­i­on of the Pre­si­dent of the Upper Court OW of Decem­ber 30, 2011

It is que­stionable whe­ther Art. 5 lit. c UCA can be suc­cessful­ly invo­ked in the pre­sent case. The pro­vi­si­on regu­la­tes the so-cal­led direct trans­fer of ser­vices. This con­cerns the take­over or explo­ita­ti­on of any kind of mar­ke­ta­ble pro­duct wit­hout own rea­sonable effort by means of a tech­ni­cal repro­duc­tion pro­cess. Such a mar­ke­ta­ble pro­duct would be, for exam­p­le, a com­pu­ter pro­gram, a music CD, spe­cia­list infor­ma­ti­on, etc. (Birk­häu­ser, loc. cit., N. 23 and N. 32 f. on Art. 5 UWG). The appli­cant does not cla­im that the oppo­nent takes over or exploits the pro­ducts it car­ri­es, for exam­p­le by repro­du­cing its nozz­les iden­ti­cal­ly by means of a tech­ni­cal copy­ing pro­cess wit­hout any rea­sonable effort of its own. Rather, it com­plains that the oppo­sing par­ty uses pho­tos of its pro­ducts in its docu­ments. It is true that pho­to­co­py­ing is also con­side­red a tech­ni­cal repro­duc­tion pro­cess (Brauch­bar Birk­häu­ser, loc. cit., n. 33 to Art. 5 UWG). Howe­ver, the adjec­ti­ve “rea­dy for the mar­ket” rest­ricts the object of pro­tec­tion to con­cre­te, ela­bo­ra­ted pro­ducts which are eco­no­mic­al­ly explo­ita­ble in their own right and for which the­re is the­r­e­fo­re a mar­ket. Howe­ver, the pro­duct con­cer­ned does not have to be inten­ded for the mar­ket or purchasable, so that also inde­pendent­ly usable parts (e.g. ins­truc­tions for use), inter­me­dia­te pro­ducts or eco­no­mic­al­ly usable data coll­ec­tions and com­pu­ter pro­grams for per­so­nal use are cover­ed (Brauch­bar Birk­häu­ser, loc. cit., n. 24 to Art. 5 UCA). Only under this con­di­ti­on can, for exam­p­le, the repro­duc­tion of indi­vi­du­al images from a cata­log be unfair. The pho­to­co­py­ing of other people’s images is the­r­e­fo­re not to be qua­li­fi­ed as unfair under Art. 5 lit. c UWG in every case, as the appli­cant appar­ent­ly belie­ves with refe­rence to a doc­tri­nal opi­ni­on (cf. David/Jacobs, Schwei­ze­ri­sches Wett­be­werbs­recht, Bern 2005, 105, N. 379 f.). Whe­ther the pho­tos and cons­truc­tion dra­wings used by the appli­cant are com­mer­ci­al­ly inde­pendent­ly explo­ita­ble mar­ke­ta­ble work results is unclear and can be left open at this point, sin­ce the appli­cant is in any case able to base her cla­im on other legal grounds accor­ding to the fol­lo­wing explanations.

AI-gene­ra­ted takea­ways can be wrong.