Postulate Bulliard-Marbach (17.3550): E‑Health 2030. Planning ahead for digitization in the healthcare sector through a forward-looking study
Submitted text
The Federal Council is instructed to present a future-oriented report on the ongoing digitalization in the healthcare sector. Based on the competencies available in Switzerland as well as abroad, the report is to identify the changes to be expected in the daily practice of healthcare professionals by 2030. It also assesses the consequences of digitization for the Swiss healthcare system and the training of healthcare professionals. In addition, the report identifies accompanying measures for digitization, both in the area of data protection and with regard to acceptance of these changes by patients.
The digitization of our economy and society will also have a fundamental impact on the healthcare sector. The federal government and the cantons are joining forces to introduce the electronic patient dossier – this is an important step. But with the emergence of artificial intelligence as a diagnostic tool, robotics and ongoing research activities in the field of personalized medicine, many new questions are emerging. A forward-looking report is intended to provide a medium-term, holistic approach and framework for discussion.
The report must answer the following questions:
- How important will artificial intelligence be in Swiss hospitals and in general practitioners’ and pediatricians’ practices by 2030?
- What are the consequences of these changes for the daily work of healthcare professionals and for the division of tasks between nurses and physicians?
- What are the consequences of these technological and practical changes for the Swiss healthcare system as a whole and, more specifically, for its financing?
- What consequences can be foreseen in basic medical training, especially with regard to the acquisition of informatics skills?
- What consequences can be foreseen in the area of continuing medical education?
- What are the implications of these changes for nursing education?
- How to ensure that digitization is in the patient’s best interest and that they can understand it?
Statement of the Federal Council
The Federal Council shares the postulant’s assessment that digitization is an important driver for the sustainable further development of healthcare in Switzerland. In order to better realize the benefits expected from digitization, such as improving the quality of treatment, increasing patient safety, and increasing efficiency, the Federal Council, as part of the adoption of the “Digital Switzerland” strategy in April 2016, has set the Development of the “eHealth Switzerland 2.0 Strategy has been commissioned. This is currently being prepared by the federal government together with the cantons. As part of this work, the implementation of the measures called for in the postulate will also be examined.