Submitted text
The Federal Council is instructed to develop an overarching strategy on the topics of Digitization and data management in healthcare and submit it to the parliament.
- This strategy is intended to Targets track
- Increased transparency thanks to completeness, timeliness, comparability and improved presentation of relevant data;
- Strengthening freedom of choice for patients
- Strengthening quality competition;
- Increase in treatment quality (indication and outcome quality) and patient safety;
- Increasing effectiveness and efficiency and reducing bureaucracy, thus achieving savings;
- Data protection, taking into account proportionality as well as the public interest;
- The management of health crises must be taken into account in the development of the digitization strategy.
- The strategy and its implementation are intended to provide solutions to content (data management) and technical aspects bring
- Content aspects: Regulatory frameworks and proper incentives are needed so that existing data can be collected, curated, shared, and thus put to much better use;
- Technical aspects: Barriers to data exchange must be removed. This also requires a regulatory framework and the right incentives as well as common standards.
- For this purpose, experience from the Abroad to be consulted.
- The Strategy should identify the topics to be addressed and ways to achieve the objectives. The resources required for this (financial/personal) as well as the necessary partial steps are to be described.
In most policy areas, Switzerland has an overarching long-term strategy. The potential of digitization and data management in healthcare is enormous and undisputed. This explains the numerous parliamentary initiatives that have been submitted in recent years. Almost all of these initiatives are based on the same problems. So that digitization in the healthcare sector can finally move forward, An overarching digitization strategy is needed. The purpose of this is to ensure that the individual projects are coordinated and brought together to form a holistic, overarching digitization strategy in the healthcare sector.