California: Veto of the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Systems Act
California: Draft Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Systems Act
Parliament - Motion Glättli (24.3796): Transparent risk-based impact assessments for the use of AI and algorithms by the federal government
Parliament - Motion Glättli (24.3795): Protection against discrimination in the use of AI and algorithms
Federal Council - Interpellation Docourt (24.3346): EU directive on platform work. Does Switzerland want to follow it?
Parliament - Motion Gysi (23.4492): Artificial intelligence in the workplace. Strengthening the participation rights of employees
Parliament - Interpellation Gugger (23.4517): Artificial intelligence and participation. Are there gaps in the law?
Federal Council - Interpellation Marti (23.4133): Algorithmic discrimination. Is the legal protection against discrimination sufficient?