revDSG: in force on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2023

What was rumo­red is now con­firm­ed: The revDSG will be applied to the Sep­tem­ber 1, 2023 (2023, not 2022) will be put into force. For­mal­ly, this will be deci­ded by the Fede­ral Coun­cil later this year, but the Fede­ral Office of Justi­ce (FOJ) infor­med accor­din­gly today on March 3, 2022:

Ori­gi­nal­ly inten­ded to come into force in mid-2022, it was later said that Janu­ary 1, 2023 would be the latest date. This delay ser­ves neither the repu­ta­ti­on of the legis­la­ti­ve pro­cess, which was dis­ap­poin­ting over­all, nor the accep­tance of data pro­tec­tion in com­pa­nies, which have to con­stant­ly adapt to new deadlines.

Howe­ver, this was pro­ba­b­ly done in respon­se to the con­cerns of the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty – or, to be more pre­cise, a sec­tion of the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty – to crea­te an infor­mal tran­si­ti­on peri­od by enac­ting the revDSG at a later date. Ano­ther rea­son was pro­ba­b­ly the resi­stance to the unsuc­cessful draft of the revi­sed VDSG with the asso­cia­ted fol­low-up work (assum­ing the admi­ni­stra­ti­on can muster the strength to revi­se the draft as fun­da­men­tal­ly as would be necessary). 




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