SLK: Data pri­va­cy state­ments – Group com­pa­nies can be “third parties

The Swiss Fair­ness Com­mis­si­on SLK has in the Decis­i­on No. 179/16 of Novem­ber 23, 2016 sta­ted that it vio­la­tes both the DPA and the prin­ci­ples of the Fair­ness Com­mis­si­on if a com­pa­ny sta­tes in its GTC or pri­va­cy poli­cy that “Per­so­nal data ente­red on this web­site (e.g. cont­act forms, etc.) will only be stored at […]. This data is trea­ted con­fi­den­ti­al­ly and not dis­c­lo­sed to third par­ties“but then nevert­hel­ess pas­ses the data on to a group com­pa­ny: Sin­ce Swiss data pro­tec­tion law does not reco­gnize any real group pri­vi­le­ge, a group com­pa­ny can also be a “third party”.

The decis­i­on is made by Bühl­mann Att­or­neys dis­cus­sed in more detail.




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