The German association Bitkom, an association of a large number of companies in the digital economy, has – already in September 2017 – conducted a survey in Germany on the status of the implementation of the GDPR performed.
The survey revealed, that only 13% of the companies have started to implement the GDPR had started or completed. The fact that the share in year earlier was 8% shows that engagement with the topic is picking up speed, but only slowly.
After all, around half of the companies stated that they were dealing with the issue. Of this half, in turn, around half (total i.e. approx. 25%) at most 10% of the necessary work completed.
This clearly shows that the implementation work is still in its infancy. In Switzerland, the picture will be no different – on the contrary. For the companies that are only now starting implementation, this at least has the advantage that opinions, templates and working tools already exist on more topics.