On the impen­ding sus­pen­si­on of the Pri­va­cy Shield

The Euro­pean Par­lia­ment today, July 5, 2018, appro­ved a Media release Accor­ding to the EU Com­mis­si­on as reque­sted (we have reports) cal­led for the sus­pen­si­on of the EU/US Pri­va­cy Shield as of Sep­tem­ber 1, 2018, if the US does not re-imple­ment the Pri­va­cy Shield requi­re­ments by then. In par­ti­cu­lar, MEPs express con­cern that com­pli­ance with the Pri­va­cy Shield by cer­ti­fi­ed com­pa­nies is not suf­fi­ci­ent­ly moni­to­red (both Face­book and Cam­bridge are cer­ti­fi­ed) and about the US CLOUD Act.




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