Die EU-Kommission hat den zunächst auf heute geplanten Angemessenheitsentscheid verschoben. Im Zusammenhang mit dem heute veröffentlichten Evaluationsbericht zur Umsetzung der DSGVO ist zu entnehmen, dass der Angemessenheitsentscheid nicht getroffen wird, bevor der EuGH sein – auf den 16. Juli 2020 erwartetes – Urteil in Sachen Schrems II gefällt hat:
Harnessing the full potential of international data transfers: Over the past two years, the Commission’s international engagement on free and safe data transfers has yielded important results. This includes Japan, with which the EU now shares the world’s largest area of free and safe data flows. The Commission will continue its work on adequacy, with its partners around the world. In addition and in cooperation with the EDPB, the Commission is looking at modernising other mechanisms for data transfers, including Standard Contractual Clauses, the most widely used data transfer tool. The EDPB is working on specific guidance on the use of certification and codes of conduct for transferring data outside of the EU, which need to be finalised as soon as possible. Given the European Court of Justice may provide clarifications in a judgment to be delivered on 16 July that could be relevant for certain elements of the adequacy standard, the Commission will report separately on the existing adequacy decisions after the Court of Justice has handed down its judgment.