Einer Mel­dung von CNBC zufol­ge hat Face­book in einem Hea­ring vor dem US Senat mit­ge­teilt, dass der EDÖB Face­books Kryp­to­wäh­rung Libra beauf­sich­ti­gen wer­de, dass der EDÖB in die­sem Zusam­men­hang bis­her aber nicht von Face­book kon­tak­tiert wor­den sei. Auf Anfra­ge hat­te ein Spre­cher des EDÖB gesagt (zitiert nach CNBC):

We have taken note of the state­ments made by David Mar­cus, Chief of Cali­bra, on our poten­ti­al role as data pro­tec­tion super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty in the Libra con­text. Until today we have not been cont­ac­ted by the pro­mo­ters of Libra,” Wyler said. “We expect Face­book or its pro­mo­ters to pro­vi­de us with con­cre­te infor­ma­ti­on when the time comes. Only then will we be able to exami­ne the ext­ent to which our legal advi­so­ry and super­vi­so­ry com­pe­tence is given. In any case, we are fol­lo­wing the deve­lo­p­ment of the pro­ject in the public debate.