FDPIC – Data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant social media monitoring

Over­view of the FDPIC on data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant social media monitoring:

The FDPIC recom­mends that the fol­lo­wing points in par­ti­cu­lar be obser­ved for the data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant use of social media monitoring:

  • When infor­ma­ti­on is coll­ec­ted by means of social media moni­to­ring, per­so­nal data is ine­vi­ta­b­ly pro­ce­s­sed. Howe­ver, this must be limi­t­ed to the mini­mum neces­sa­ry for the eva­lua­ti­on pur­po­ses and dele­ted or made anony­mous as quick­ly as possible.
  • The results of the moni­to­ring must the­r­e­fo­re no lon­ger allow any con­clu­si­ons to be drawn about individuals.
    Non-public data (espe­ci­al­ly from clo­sed user groups or cir­cles of fri­ends) may not be included.
  • Mem­bers of social media plat­forms must be infor­med that moni­to­ring tools are being used today, or at least be able to tell from the circumstances.
  • Pro­ce­s­sing of which the data sub­ject has not been infor­med or which is not evi­dent from the cir­cum­stances may not be car­ri­ed out.

Source: FDPIC – Data pro­tec­tion-com­pli­ant social media monitoring




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